
This project is about connections. Personal, face to face connections.

Connections where good, decent people can make new friends and find neighbors who generally agree politically and want to join in a grassroots effort to organize voters in their communities. A voter who doesn’t have the time or doesn’t have the interest in sorting out political positions but still wants good government that aligns with their core values.

Those core values include and are centered on:

  • Social Justice
  • Economic Justice
  • Environmental Justice

Five Social and Political Problems We Address

  1. Personal Face to Face Connections
    • Modern life has disconnected us.
    • There is a loneliness epidemic.
  2. Republican Violence
    • Republican extremism and violence makes us afraid of people we don’t know.
    • We need a safe place to meet and visit with like-minded neighbors.
  3. There is No Time for Politics
    • Modern life has infinite choices competing for very little discretionary time.
    • Modern activities are complex and time consuming.
    • A Political Specialist is needed to help people find policy positions and political advocates that represent these core values.
  4. Defeat Propaganda
    • There is so much propaganda that looking for truth is very hard if not impossible.
    • People need a trusted source for truthful information.
  5. Political Power for Ordinary People
    • Like a union, we band together, to achieve our political goals.
    • By having established the ability to reach thousands of voters with a trusted source we can achieve political influence at a small cost compared to fighting propaganda with propaganda in the media.
    • Thus we reduce the power of money in politics.

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